The products supplied by BLAC INC. in the petrochemical market sector are primarily for modulating and specialty on-off valve applications.

Safety of operation and 100% ultimate reliability are the key design goals with 100% online performance expected. Many developments for this industry market have been designed to assure the safety of plant personnel and equipment.

BLAC INC. Petrochemical Plant products are primarily for modulating and specialty on-off valve applications.

BLAC INC. Petrochemical Plant products are primarily for modulating and specialty on-off valve applications.

Ethylene Isolation Valves

BLAC INC. engineers and constructs this valve as a single disc or double disc thru conduit valve. BLAC INC. provides the valve design, manufacturing, testing, and startup functions.

Double Disc Thru Conduit Valve

Double Disc Thru Conduit Valve